ACT | Association of Christian Teachers |
ACT | Association of Citizenship Teachers |
ALIS | A Level Information System |
AQA | Assessment and Qualifications Alliance |
AREIAC | Association of Religious Education Advisers, Inspectors and Consultants |
ASC | Agreed Syllabus Conference |
AST | Advanced Skills Teacher |
AT | Advisory Teacher |
AT | Attainment Target |
AUDTRS | Association of University Departments of Theology and Religious Studies |
AULRE | Association of University Lecturers in Religious Education |
BDBJ | Board of Deputies of British Jews |
BS | Buddhist Society |
BUGB | Baptist Union of Great Britain |
C&YP | Children and Young People |
CATs | Cognitive Ability Tests |
CATSC | Catholic Association of Teachers, Schools and Colleges |
CBC | Catholic Bishops Conference |
CC | Cwricwlwm Cymraeg (Wales) |
CCEA | Council for the Curriculum, Examinations & Assessment (Northern Ireland) |
CE | Christian Education |
CE / CofE | Church of England |
CESEW | Catholic Education Service for England and Wales |
CfSA | Council for Subject Associations |
CLC | City Learning Centre |
CoCo | Community Cohesion |
CofE / CE | Church of England |
CPD | Continuing Professional Development |
CTC | City Technology College |
CYPD | Children and Young People’s Directorate |
CW | Collective Worship |
DCLG | Department for Communities and Local Government |
DCMS | Department for Culture, Media and Sport |
DDE | Diocesan Director of Education |
DfE | Department for Education |
DL | Distance learning |
EAL | English as an Additional Language |
ECM | Every Child Matters |
ECT | Early Career Teacher |
EdExcel | Examination Board |
EFL | English as a Foreign Language |
ELG | Early Learning Goals |
EYFS | Early Years and the Foundation Stage |
FBV | Fundamental British Values |
FE | Further Education |
FS | Foundation Stage |
G&T | Gifted and Talented |
GTCS | General Teaching Council for Scotland |
GTP | Graduate Teacher Programme |
GTCW | General Teaching Council for Wales |
HE | Higher Education |
HEA | Higher Education Academy |
HEI | Higher Education Institution |
HoD | Head of Department |
HLTA | Higher Level Teaching Assistant |
HMI | His Majesty’s Inspector (or Inspectorate) |
Humanists UK | Formerly British Humanist Association |
ICoCo | Institute of Community Cohesion |
IT | Information Technology |
IFN | Inter Faith Network |
INSET | In-service Training |
ISRSA | Independent Schools Religious Studies Association |
ITE | Initial Teacher Education |
ITT | Initial Teacher Training |
JCQ | Joint Council for Qualifications |
JTA | Jewish Teachers Association |
KS | Key Stage |
LA | Local Authority |
LAS | Locally Agreed Syllabus |
LDD | Learning Difficulties and Disabilities |
LftM | Learning from the Middle |
LP | Lesson Plan |
LSA | Learning Support Assistant |
MCB | Muslim Council of Britain |
MET | Muslim Education Trust |
MIDYIS | Middle Years Information System |
MTA | Muslim Teacher Association |
NATRE | National Association of Teachers of Religious Education |
NASACRE | National Association of Standing Advisory Councils on Religious Education |
NCS | National Content Standard |
NCSL | National College of School Leadership |
NPQH | National Professional Qualification for Headship |
NSNF (RE) | Non Statutory National Framework for RE |
OCR | Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations Board |
Ofsted | Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills |
PoS | Programme of Study |
PSHE | Personal, Social, Health & Economic education |
QTS | Qualified Teacher Status |
RC | Roman Catholic |
RE | Religious Education |
REC | Religious Education Council of England and Wales |
REMS | Religious Education Movement (Scotland) |
REMW | Religious Education Movement (Wales) |
REQM | Religious Education Quality Mark |
RS | Religious Studies |
RSE | Relationships and Sex Education |
SACRE | Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education |
SCUK | Sikh Council UK |
SEF | Self Evaluation Form |
SEND | Special Educational Needs |
Shap | Shap working party on World Religions |
SIP / SIA | School Improvement Partner |
SMSC | Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education |
SoW | Scheme of Work |
TA | Teaching Assistant |
TRS | Theology and Religious Studies |
TRS-UK | Theology & Religious Studies in Higher Education |
UTC | University Technology Centre |
VA | Voluntary Aided School |
VC | Voluntary Controlled School |
VLE | Virtual Learning Environment |
WASACRE | Wales Association of SACREs |
WJEC | Examination Board (Welsh Joint Exam Council) |
YELLIS | Year Eleven Information System |