c/o Religious Education Council of England and Wales, Northgate House, North Gate, New Basford, Nottingham, NG7 7BQ
Drawn up by an RE Council working group with representation from NATRE, AREIAC, NASACRE, this code aims to complement the GTCE’s general code for teachers. When that code was being drawn up, there was some concern about the implications of ‘demonstrating respect for diversity and promoting equality’ and whether that principle might ever come into conflict with a teacher’s sense of integrity in relation to his or her own beliefs. This proposed code for teachers of RE is designed to help reassure teachers of RE themselves as well as pupils, parents and colleagues that a professional approach to such issues can and will be observed.
Guidance for local-authority-maintained schools on providing a daily act of collective worship.
A handy FAQ sheet, giving advice about the statutory position of Collective Worship in schools.
Primarily aimed at curriculum writers, this publication consists of a handbook, three exemplar frameworks, and accompanying resources. Useful for ASCs to consider when reviewing their local syllabus.
This report is the result of an inquiry carried out by the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on RE.
Following suggestions from our recently retired patron, Rt. Hon. Charles Clarke, we have drafted a letter for your SACRE to modify and send to your parliamentary candidates in the imminent election, should you so wish. The aim of this action is to impress upon those elected to become MPs, the importance of RE, both within the curriculum and in promoting community cohesion.
Advice often quotes The Non-Statutory Guidance for RE (January 2010 – ‘The Guidance’) which provides links to the legislation relating to religious education and SACREs and interpretation of that legislation.
Ofsted published its Research Review series: religious education on 12th May 2021. Here is our initial response, written by NASACRE’s Executive Assistant, Paul Smalley.
As part of their monitoring of RE in their LA, SACREs sometimes discover information that leads them to have grave concerns about RE provision in some schools. This useful paper explains how SACREs can use a complaints procedure to encourage schools to meet their statutory obligations.