Westhill NASACRE Awards

Does your SACRE have an idea for a project on the theme of ‘Education into Diversity’ to run in collaboration with local schools?

Would some additional funding help you put this project into practice?

Would your project have lasting relevance and make wider impact?

If so, consider applying for a Westhill/NASACRE Award.  Successful bids are awarded up to £4000.

To see some examples, look at https://www.westhillendowment.org/nasacre where you will find reports and information about previously successful projects. Some are also in the public domain – this one is on the NATRE website: https://www.natre.org.uk/about-natre/projects/real-people-real-faith/. As is this one on the Pennine Learning website.

All the information about how to apply and the criteria for projects can be found below.

The closing date each year is 31 March and projects usually run from September to August, completing within the following academic year.

At NASACRE’s Annual Conference on 20 May 2024, it was announced that the following SACREs had successfully applied for a Westhill/NASACRE Award for 2024-2025: Bromley, East Sussex & Hampshire.